Sunday, March 25, 2012


It would be wrong of me to say that being a little eclectic, "hippy dippy" and old fashioned doesn't come along with being part of our household. We're known to be in to a variety of subjects and activities that always lead our friends to say, "What? Where do you even FIND something like that?" Sometimes, we even surprise each other.

The weirdness of my spouse and I has only been condensed and re-released on the unsuspecting person since our marriage and the birth of our children... mostly because the older we get, the less and less we feel like playing along, pretending or conforming to many a silly social standard. We just want to be us- and are happy to oblige. (Yeah, I'm trucking off in to the suburban woods to find myself some blackberries and dig up some wild flowers- What... is that weird? Isn't this a thing everybody used to do?)

As of late, we've been doing a lot of seeking... What does it mean to be "us" as a family- what are our goals? What do we need to be focusing on as a family- right now, tomorrow? The day after that? Logic, love, practicality, organization, teaching, learning, scheduling, relaxing, cutting loose...It is easy to get caught up in all manners of runaway thought but one thing has been ever clear in our journey.

We need to be natural.

In a world where so much is synthetic, this is an alternative way of life.The need to be natural isn't true for everyone... but we are the healthiest and happiest knee deep in the dirt, sowing our food and communing with each other in the presence of God. (What better way than to be in the presence of his varied creations?) Nothing turns our wheels like mastering new (at least to us) ways to recycle what we use, to become more self reliant and knowledgeable about the world we live in. Small blessings are the parents of BIG blessings- if you know to look for them and utilize them. Provision IS all around us and we are meant to flourish!

With all that being said, that's what this wee blog is about. It is intended to be a documentary of our quest to know ourselves and grow ourselves- to be just the right balance of past and present; dirty and clean- to be super, super natural.

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